Lisp Macros: Learning by Example

The inspiration for this post

Once a week, I meet with a group of like-minded nerds to discuss Lisp topics. This group started as a book club, and our original goal was to read Paul Graham’s book “On Lisp”. Although we constantly find ourselves drifting from that goal, we keep working our way back toward it. We just can’t help ourselves from being distracted by various Lisp related topics.

Lots of great books have been written about Lisp1. To me at least, it seems that most books written about Lisp are fantastic. Even if you care nothing about the language (you should), it’s worth your time to pick up one of the more well known books about Lisp – so that you have an example of quality technical writing to study.

On Lisp covers a lot of topics, but if one were to ask the Lisp community:

“Which one Lisp book should I read if I want to learn how to write Lisp Macros?”

I believe the community would answer:

“On Lisp.”

So it should surprise no one that when a group of nerds gets together to read “the” book about Lisp macros, at least one of those nerds will feel the need to write a blog post about macros. This is one such post.

Searching for an example

I’ve read a lot of articles and blog posts that try to explain the power of Lisp macros. They talk about transformation of syntax, evaluation of arguments, homoiconicity, etc. These topics are all important, of course – but when I want to learn something, it really helps me to see an example.

Coming up with a good example isn’t easy. In my opinion, a good example should:

  • Exhibit the topic being studied in a non-trivial way.
  • Have an implementation that’s small enough to fit on half a page.

I’ll admit that I don’t have a rigorous definition for “non-trivial”. The best I can do is give some examples of what I don’t like about examples I consider to be “trivial”:

  • On their own, they don’t convince me that the topic under study has any useful applications.
  • They show me something that already seemed obvious.

What follows is my attempt at a “non-trivial” example whose implementation fits on half a page.

A non-trivial example

One of the things that makes Lisp macros so powerful is that they grant application developers the ability to extend the language (Lisp). Contrast this with, say, C. Only compiler developers (not application developers) have the ability to extend C.

This suggests a possible avenue to explore when searching for a non-trivial example: find a feature in another language and add it to Lisp!

To that end, I went shopping for language features that Lisp lacks. I settled on the syntax in Scala that allows you to use the identifier “_” when defining new functions via partial application. This syntax allows you to specify which arguments of a given function you wish to remain as formal parameters of the new function you are defining. We’ll get to an example in Scala in a minute, but first…

Slope-intercept form of a line

Consider the slope-intercept form of a line: \(y = mx+b\)

We think of lines as a function of one independent variable, ie: \(y = f(x)\) – however the function above appears to have three independent variables: \(m, x, b\)!

So, what gives? Well, mathematicians just call \(m\) and \(b\) “parameters” 2 3 – which, once chosen, determine the single function (one of many) which defines whatever line it is we happen to care about.

We’re programmers, not mathematicians, however – and to a programmer, that answer may seem unsatisfying…

Definining functions using partial application in Scala

This mathematicians’ process of specifying two “parameters” for a function of three variables – to obtain a new function of one variable – is a perfect example of partial function application. In Scala, that looks like this:

def y(m: Float, x: Float, b: Float) = m * x + b

// Here, we are creating a function, "slopeInterceptLine", that in turn 
// allows us to create new functions of a single variable by:
// 1) Fixing two of the parameters ("slope" and "intercept") of the 
//    function "y".
// 2) Making the remaining parameter, "x", a parameter of the new 
//    function being created.
// Note how we use "_" to specify the parameter(s) we wish to be 
// parameter(s) in the new function being created.
def slopeInterceptLine(slope: Float, intercept: Float) = y(slope, _, intercept)

// Use "slopeInterceptLine" to create a new function of a single variable.
// In this case, a function that pairs integral inputs with even integers
def y1 = slopeInterceptLine(2, 0)

// Use "slopeInterceptLine" to create a new function of a single variable.
// In this case, a function that pairs integral inputs with odd integers
def y2 = slopeInterceptLine(2, -1)

Notice how when defining “slopeInterceptLine”, you can pass its formal parameters – along with a special “_” identifier – to what looks like an invocation of “y”. It is not, of course, an invocation; it’s special Scala syntax that allows you to concisely define functions via partial function application. “_” is part of that special syntax.

Once defined, we can then call our new functions on some values:

val indexes: List[Float] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

println(List(, "\n",

Which yields:

List(List(2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0, 16.0, 18.0, 20.0),
  , List(1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0, 11.0, 13.0, 15.0, 17.0, 19.0))

Adding this feature to Lisp using a macro

Now that we’ve found a feature we’d like to add to Lisp, let’s get to it. I find that when I set about writing a Lisp macro, it helps to first determine the signature I want the macro to have and then determine the code I want it to generate. I save the actual implementation for last. So, to that end:

;; Don't copy/paste -- this isn't ready to run yet

(defun y (m x b)
  (+ (* m x) b))

(defun slope-intercept-line (slope intercept)

  ;; "partial" is the macro we will write
  ;; we would like it to generate code something like the following:
  ;; (lambda (x) (y slope x intercept))
  (partial y slope _ intercept))

So, let’s do this in steps. First, we know that our macro will take as arguments:

  1. A function whose partial application we wish to use to build a new function
  2. An optional list of arguments. In this list, we expect to be able to use “_” for parameters we wish not to fix in the partial application.

As shown in the comment in code above, we’d like it to return a lambda whose formal parameters correspond to those in the arg list specified as “_”. We would like that lambda to fix the other arguments by creating a lexical closure over them.

Now, wouldn’t it be nice if we had a variable called “new-function-arguments” that was a list of all the formal parameters to our new function, and a variable called “all-function-arguments” that was a list of all arguments used to invoke the function “f”, which we are partially applying? For now, let’s assume they exist.

;; Don't copy/paste -- this isn't ready to run yet

(defmacro partial (f &rest args)
;; missing code here
      `(lambda (,@new-function-parameters) (,f ,@all-function-arguments)))

Okay… so, how do we get the values of those variables? Well… let’s assume we have a function called “process-args” that can, given the list of arguments passed to the macro, retrieve them for us. Note that this is the function that will define the semantics of the “_” identifier. We’ve cleverly separated it out from the rest of the macro.

;; Don't copy/paste -- this isn't ready to run yet

(defmacro partial (f &rest args)
;; missing code here
    (multiple-value-bind (new-function-parameters all-function-arguments)
        (process-args args)
      `(lambda (,@new-function-parameters) (,f ,@all-function-arguments))))

So, what does this function need to do? Well, it needs to iterate over the “args” passed to the macro. For each symbol in “args”:

  1. If it is not_”, it adds it to the “all-function-arguments” list that it’s building.
  2. If it is_”, it replaces it with a new symbol, and adds that symbol to both the “new-function-parameters” and the “all-function-arguments” lists that it’s building.

The symbols added to “all-function-arguments” in step one are those we are holding fixed. The lambda that our macro creates passes them in to the function we are partially applying. These symbols are expected to have meaning in the context in which this macro was expanded. The lambda that the macro results in will capture the bindings for these symbols, and – if returned as the result of a function call – create a lexical closure for these bindings. Anywhere the lambda is used, these symbols will evaluate to the same values captured in the closure.

The symbols created in step two are those needed for the formal parameters when we define the lambda – so they are added to the “new-function-parameters” list. They are also added to the “all-function-arguments” list – because they must be passed to the function we are partially applying.

Let’s have a look.

;; This and the following snippets are ready to run.

(defmacro partial (f &rest args)
  (labels ((process-args (args)
             (if args
                 ;; if args isn't empty
                       ;; Store the first element of "args" in a variable
                 (let ((first (car args))
                       ;; Generate a new symbol, and store it in a variable.
                       ;; We'll use this later, *if* "first" is "_"
                       (parameter (gensym)))
                         (rest-parameters rest-arguments)
                       ;; Recur over the remaining args. Note that we expect 
                       ;; this function to return two values
                       (process-args (cdr args))
                     (if (eq first '_)
                         ;; If the first arg is "_", then cons the new symbol 
                         ;; we created onto the front of both lists
                         (values (cons parameter rest-parameters)
                                 (cons parameter rest-arguments))
                         ;; If the first arg is not "_", then cons it only onto 
                         ;; the list of arguments our lambda will pass to the 
                         ;; function we are partially applying. Do not add it 
                         ;; to the list of formal parameters for the lambda 
                         ;; we are creating.
                         (values rest-parameters
                                 (cons first rest-arguments)))))
                 ;; else, just return empty args
    (multiple-value-bind (new-function-parameters all-function-arguments)
        (process-args args)
      `(lambda (,@new-function-parameters) (,f ,@all-function-arguments)))))

We can test our macro4:

(macroexpand-1 '(partial f 2 _ 0))

Which yields:

(LAMBDA (#:G609) (F 2 #:G609 0))

Once that macro is defined, we can write the following code5:

(defun y (m x b)
  (+ (* m x) b))

(defun slope-intercept-line (slope intercept)
  (partial y slope _ intercept))

(setf (symbol-function 'y1) (slope-intercept-line 2 0))
(setf (symbol-function 'y2) (slope-intercept-line 2 -1))

(let ((indexes '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)))
   (mapcar #'y1 indexes)
   (mapcar #'y2 indexes)))

Which yields:

((2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20) (1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19))

The same as the Scala code. We’ve added a feature to Lisp! Is this feature worthwhile? That’s debatable. For one, the macro invocation expression is barely shorter than lambda expression. But “worthwhile” wasn’t the intent. I contend that this example is, at least, non-trivial ;-)

  1. Some available free online:

    Others available for purchase:

  2. Not to be confused with the “formal parameters” of a function definition in a programming language – which I also happily refer to as “parameters” in this very same blog post. I count on context (and the reader’s keen intellect) to distinguish between the two uses. These are the dangers of mixing domains (here: math and programming) in the same article. 

  3. Mathematicans would possibly notate this as such: \(y = f_{m,b}(x)\) 

  4. Hold on. Can we evaluate this expression? “f” doesn’t have a value! The answer is “yes”, we can evaluate it. This macro expansion doesn’t attempt to call “f” – it just generates code that would call it. 

  5. Why the do we setf the symbol-function of the symbol we chose as the name of our function – instead of just using defun? Well, in short: because we aren’t defining a function – we aren’t specifying its arguments and we aren’t providing a set of expressions which make up the function body. Instead, we already have a function (the one returned by slope-intercept-line) and we just want to give it a name.