Happy New Year!
I hate publicizing New Year’s resolutions – mostly because I love making them, but hate committing to them. Alas, here we are… I’m publishing a blog and using it to declare a New Year’s resolution:
In 2023, I want to try to write more.
2022 was a pretty good year in a lot of ways. For one: I learned a lot. For another: it really felt like we were almost kinda-sorta entering a post-pandemic existence.
I’m still trying to figure out what I’ll write about, but I suspect a significant portion will be small, digestible bits about things I’ve learned. Since I’m a software engineer, I’d expect “things I’ve learned” to have a heavy bias towards Information Technology.
That being said, however, I do have hobbies that aren’t tech related. Maybe they’ll make an appearance here. For instance: I have a strange obsession with pedestrian overpasses. Maybe you’ll see a post or two about those!
Spring @Cacheable -
Lisp Macros -
Happy New Year