About me

Hi, I’m Ed.

Recently, I’ve come to the realization that while I’m comfortable with spoken communications, I need to work on my written communication.

It’s not that I think I’m a terrible writer. I mean, I wouldn’t go so far as to call myself “good” at it – but I’m not terrible. I could definitely use some practice. My biggest problem, however, is that I just hate doing it!

This website is an attempt to learn to like it.

What’s with this website’s name?

Let me prefix this with “I’m not going to pretend to be a Lisp expert, but…”

If you’re wondering what the name of this website means, then there’s a good chance you’ve never used Lisp. A “cons” is a fundamental Lisp data structure. You can think of it as a pair whose first element contains a value and whose second element contains either a pointer to another cons or a pointer to nil.

Contact Me

[email protected]